Program Fees
As per the Ministry of Education, starting on January 1, 2025 parent fees are to be reduced to no more than $22 per day for children in daycre programs until their 6th birthday. Please see below for a list of our programs, the base fee and the CWELCC reduced fee as of January 1, 2025.
Preschool & JK Alternate = 6 hours of care 5 days per week
ASC = After School Club (Children ages 6 and up are charged the Base Fee)
EB + ASC = Early Birds and After School Club (for students at Kapapamahchakwew and Wilkinson ONLY) (Children ages 6 and up are charged the Base Fee)
EB = Early Birds (for students at Kapapamahchakwew and Wilkinson ONLY)
Our summer camp fees are charged on a WEEKLY basis. Summer Camp runs 4 days per week, Monday to Thursday, for 7 weeks of the summer starting after Canada Day. For any week in which the Monday is a statutory holiday, camp will run from Tuesday to Friday.
The following items are NOT part of our base fee and are added to tuition when incurred.
Diaper fee - $12 per month
NSF fee - $50 per transaction
Late Fees - $10 for the first 5 mins or part thereof and $2 per minute for each minute after
Administration fees for changes to enrolment - $20 per change
Administration fees for summer camp withdrawals - $40
Any additional out of program fees (i.e. additional lunch, social events, field trips, etc)