The Creative Preschool of East Toronto provides a secure, stimulating and flexible environment in which children, starting at age 30 months (2.5 years), may develop socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. We help children and parents cope with the process of separation and learn that school is a fun place to be.
Since 1979 we have provided an environment in which children develop social and thinking skills through arts, crafts, drama, puzzles and free play activities. We use a whole language and whole math approach that stimulates language and math concepts in every activity. Our science and critical thinking activities encourage children to think of unique and creative solutions in collaboration with others. The adults assist the children as they develop group skills, the ability to problem solve and self-discipline.
As a non-profit centre we provide children with the opportunity to interact with other children and learn social skills to prepare for the larger world around them.
Our board of directors is made up of volunteer parents who are responsible for the running of the corporation while early childhood education staff is responsible for implementing an educational program to achieve the objectives of the preschool.